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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County

Court Calendar for Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Search by case number or party name then click on the room number to access the live audio for the scheduled hearing. Now that the courthouse is fully open, streaming hearings to the public is no longer required for all civil and criminal cases and each judge has discretion as to whether a hearing will be streamed to the public. If the hearing is not being broadcast, there will be no audio available on YouTube. If you are unsure about the status of a case being made available via live broadcast, please contact Case Management Services at (520)724-4200.

Initial Appearance (IA) streaming is available to the public daily at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. by clicking this link
Listen to IA Hearing

Party NameRoom #Start TimeDateCase #
ACUNA, RAMON ALEJANDRO 578 08:30 AM1/8/2025CR20243678
ALLISON, MACEO 475 09:00 AM1/8/2025CR20234702
ANDERSON, KIMBERLY JO 386 09:00 AM1/8/2025PI20250002
ANDRADE, LEOPOLDO 386 09:00 AM1/8/2025CR20243314
ARVIZU, CHRISTOPHER JOHN 486 09:00 AM1/8/2025CR20233397
ATTAKAI, TRAVIS 802 01:30 PM1/8/2025CR20245016
BAKER, ANDREA NOHEMI 580 09:00 AM1/8/2025CR20241155
BALDERRAMA, JOSE JAIME 578 08:30 AM1/8/2025CR20244268
BALTAZAR, SAMUEL ANDREAS 580 09:00 AM1/8/2025CR20240653
BARLOW, G. BRYAN 680 10:00 AM1/8/2025C20247792
BAUTISTA, NOLAN STEVEN 386 09:00 AM1/8/2025CR20113841
BEASLEY, AMBER DAWN 386 09:00 AM1/8/2025CR20213268
BIRENBAUM-BUTIEREZ, BRIAN ANGEL 475 09:01 AM1/8/2025CR20233000
BIRENBAUM-BUTIEREZ, BRIAN ANGEL 475 09:01 AM1/8/2025CR20234896
BLAKE, ALISON OLIVIA 386 09:00 AM1/8/2025CR20243630
BORGHI, DEVON ANTHONY 486 09:04 AM1/8/2025CR20230636
BORGHI, DEVON ANTHONY 486 09:04 AM1/8/2025CR20231514